31 July 2009

BCN Saturday Adventures 02

number 02 - colònia güell

On this Saturday we decided it was time to visit the famous Colònia Güell; The modernist textile industrial estate which incorporates worker's houses commissioned by Eusebi Güell. It is rare to visit an industrial estate and houses built for factory workers and dream that one day you could live there too...

It wasn't the famous Gaudi crypt that did it for me (although of course that is pretty impressive - more on that later), it was the houses that were originally built for the factory workers;

A brick lover's heaven...

If only I could spend my days walking around this place, dragging my hands along its brickwork,
hugging the chimneys and rounded off corners,

sketching the little details,...

We also visited the famous crypt. It is extremely photogenic, but I've seen so many images of it it doesn't feel as exciting to post them, doesn't feel like anything new.
I guess that is the problem with Gaudi, he's kind of like the Elvis of Architects, everybody knows about him without necessarily appreciating his music and when in Memphis you must visit Graceland. And just like Graceland the crypt is so crowded that one struggles to take a photograph which doesn't have strangers strolling though it...

But having said that, the detail, shapes and materials are beautiful... I would like to turn it upside down and sleep inside the vaults.

(notice the similarities between the columns and trees in the background.)

And inside...

I only took photos of the ceilings, not only because they are my favourite part, but also because you can't tell that the place was packed with tourists, or perhaps the latter is the reason for the former.

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